Friday 4 April 2014

National Dandelion Day!

I was thinking the other day that there really should be a National Dandelion Day and if i were to choose a date when would the best date be. Anyhow i did some tinternet browsing this morning and found that not only is there already a National Dandelion Day - but apparently it's tomorrow!!*

I'm struggling to find the origin of the day: who decided there should be one, why that date in particular etc, but with most things on the internet, if it's been written down - it must be true.

And so sharing the date with 'National Bell Bottoms Day' and 'National Read a Road Map Day' (i'm not kidding) 5th April is National Dandelion Day**. Brilliant!

*It's also mentioned on a couple of websites that it is the 1st Saturday of May every year - so i suppose you can take your pick.
**It also seems that most websites are American - so i'm supposing National refers to there and not UK, however I'm happy to celebrate the day. Probably with a beer.

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